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Tarotscopes for Jan 2022

  • Lisa
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Tarotscopes for Jan 2022 was created by Lisa

Tarotscopes for January 2022
May you live in interesting times… There was a meme circulating that said the last time Saturn was in Aquarius, we had the Rodney King riots. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was the American revolution. The last time Neptune was in Pisces was the fall of Rome and we currently have all 3 of these planetary placements. Well, yes and no. Indeed Saturn is in Aquarius restricting humanity and teaching lessons. Yes indeed Pluto is in Capricorn destroying and recreating our lively-hoods and yes certainly Neptune has been in Pisces for quite some time now offering new creative ways of thinking and communicating, with a focus on spiritual communication and reconnecting with the big good thing for ourselves. But the thing to keep in mind is aspects. Meaning we have these 3 things happening at once in the later signs, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces and they are making different things pop and shine based on other placements in the chart. Jupiter will be moving into Pisces to expand our spiritual thinking and Uranus is going direct in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius. There is a lot to consider when looking at each scope this month. We have a Capricorn New moon, a Cancer Full moon putting a focus on career and home and in our tradition, we will be celebrating the Birch (new beginnings) Celtic zodiac lunation. This will be the last new moon prior to the Chinese New Year, but I will talk about the Water Tiger next month. Oh, and I almost forgot Mercury will begin this year’s retrogrades Jan 14th- Feb 3rd through the earth signs, with Capricorn, where Pluto has been residing for a very long time. Venus is retrograde in Capricorn and does not go direct until the 28th and Mars will join in this pack on the 25th moving form Sagittarius into Capricorn. The last week of the month should see things out with some big revelations, secrets being exposed and people having to co- operate for a common cause. Deep breath people and do your best to keep swimming.

Before we move on to individual scopes I would like to have a quick look at the horoscope for the US for January. It has been tradition that the US is Cancerian, born 7/4/1776. If we were to cast current transits onto this sun sign horoscope, we would see a lot of what is happening is in the opposite sign of Capricorn, or going off in the 7th house of the chart. This is the house of relationships, legal matters and open enemies. It should be an interesting month of information coming out regarding legal issues, some that may impact the US’ relationships to it’s people and even other countries. It certainly is a lot to think about and intriguing to look at as an astrologer who is making predictions.

Aries: The Devil
So much Saturn energy. Karma, restriction, and time tick tick ticking. You may feel like this month is some sort of test of your sanity, even more than the past couple of years have been! This new year may begin with you taking a personal inventory, deciding in a very serious way where you want to be headed and just how you are going to get there. I would say go easy on yourself, but I must not interfere with the planetary push being offered to you. Go for it, move forward and enjoy the process.

Taurus: 8 of Wands
Whoosh, Uranus the planet of chaos, panic and disorder moves forward in Taurus on the 19th. I bet you will notice the shift. I know it’s an outer planet, but it has been working on you and with you for a while now. I do see a big opportunity here, for either love or career and making a big commitment to yourself in the process. It should go very well if you pay attention to details, tie up loose ends and remain present in the wave.

Gemini: The Empress
I see you being even more sensitive to the needs of others this month. I know that almost sounds impossible, because you already give, so much of yourself to loved ones and friends. After month’s end you may feel like all your efforts have truly made a difference. Somethings you have been working on for a while should be settled in a way you can be happy with. Hang in there, stay strong and work to refill your cup as often as you can.

Cancer: 4 of Cups
I know you have been carrying a lot of stuff around for quite some time now. Be prepared that you may experience a huge release this month. You may even want to do some meditation with deep breathing to focus on letting go and releasing burdens that do not really belong to you. For you this month’s full moon should be very rejuvenating and allow for you to feel renewed and actually relax for a change. A chakra balancing might be a really good gift to give yourself.

Leo: Knight of Cups
Messages, messengers, announcements, and all good things surrounding you being heard and getting your intentions recognized.
I feel like things are finally opening up, and your creativity is being appreciated and you may see a big jump forward in your career by months end. New contracts and offers to be scrutinized. Try not to over commit because of the excitement. It would be better to under promise and over deliver, than the reverse. Such abundance to see out the year of the metal ox.

Virgo: Page of Pentacles
There could be a few challenges with your health, home and career. The deck is stacked to highlight these houses for you. I know you like to pay attention to all the details, so you don’t miss anything, but this month could move things so quickly that you may not have time to give your usual focused attention. This is the challenge I see for you, having to make a quick decision that could have a larger impact than first understood. Try to focus ahead of time on your best interests and try not to deviate from this focus.

Libra: Queen of Swords
Your usual M.O. is to consider both sides and keep anyone whom you are not sure of at a safe distance. This month might see both these traits magnified, especially of you are making decisions regarding your home or living arrangements. I would caution not signing any leases, or legal documents until Mercury goes direct in February, unless you can somehow finish up your decisions prior to the retrograde. Mercury retrograde is a great time to finish up old business though, so have a sort out.

Scorpio: 6 of Cups
I feel you will have some interesting opportunities to do some karmic clearing this month. Perhaps someone you parted ways with a long time ago will come back into your life to renew a soul-buddy contract or finally clear up a big misunderstanding that has been left to fester. It could be quite an emotional month, but after you clear the air I do feel you will feel a bit lighter and more able to move forward with clarity.

Sagittarius: The Sun
Your strength and positive attitude are to be admired. You have earned this energy of renewal, but…there will be a short time of intense reset and reinvention of norms. How this next month unfolds and how you act upon the offerings will tell you a lot about the year to come. It might be very different than you are used to, but that doesn’t mean bad. Sometimes a change is a s good as a rest.

Capricorn: Strength
Deep breath, lots of things are happing in your sign and many aspects are working to be noticed. You may feel a bit overwhelmed, bombarded by all kinds of energies. I know you feel the shifting as things work to settle into their new placements. This month will expose a lot of things, good and bad. It will be difficult to keep things secret and it will be difficult to respect those who are hiding things from you, no matter their reasoning. Hang in there and use your strength to stay on top of things, everything.

Aquarius: Ace of Wands
There could be a focus on real-estate, or things you already own and are looking to make the most of. I see a kind of waste not want not attitude becoming a part of your daily thought process. How can you get the most from things you have already earned and how can you invest in your future? There may be a big focus on personal responsibilities as well as holding others accountable, especially if they have any effect on your finical well-being.

Pisces: The Fool
Ya gotta believe! I do feel you will be noticed and recognized for all your hard work. You may not like being the center of attention, but do try and allow others to appreciate you. I see a big push forward for you spiritually this month and I believe this will offer you new tools to deal with the muggle parts of your life with much less stress and drama. Be open to new understandings and connections. Believe.
Have you spoken to your Witch Mother lately?
3 years 2 months ago #7930

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