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truth is delivered with a sharp stick

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Replied by Mshoister on topic truth is delivered with a sharp stick

Incredible knowledge...truths here...thank you for sharin’...
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5 years 6 months ago #4711

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  • Pat
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truth is delivered with a sharp stick was created by Pat

The truth is delivered by a sharp stick. When it pokes you, you automatically react. There are three ways we do so:
1) Run away-
This is the most common way we react to finding out the truth. It is jarring to us and is usually much different than what we believe is so. Running from the truth is never a good thing, it always finds a way to catch up to you. It is insistent and relentless. The truth must be this because it is naturally the way things are. It will find you and hit you right between the eyes. It is always right there, but many refuse to see it. When the truth is spotted by doubting eyes, they fear it and often reject it.
2) Fight it-
This is a destructive way of dealing with anything. Something or someone will get hurt, this will probably be you. The truth always wins because it is the way things must be in their natural state. The truth is amoral. This is because it’s opposite is always judgmental, a lie is unnatural in its being. It must reflect the truth and then it has to reject the truth. The truth can’t be wrong because it is indisputable. A lie is a cancer that can and must spread to survive. It must invade the truth and take it over. It is something separate from the truth, an entirely different thing. A lie’s existence is based on a reaction and rejection to the truth. Lies try to destroy the truth or try to obscure it so it can’t be seen. Lies must have the truth as their base or they have nothing real to grow on or take root in. Lies have no solid base, nothing that is real, to sink their deception in. The truth is a solid, it is frim and real. The truth is something, where as a lie is nothing and has no substance.
3) Ask why the truth is poking at you-
Question everything, it is the most healthy and productive reaction to any information. To understand anything; the first thing to do is except that it exists, or at least question the tangible matter of the thing. See, feel and learn about the thing that is facing you. Why is it there, how did it get there and what is its purpose? When you do this, you become part of the truth. You now partner with the facts as they are presented to you and become complicit with its purpose. Lies are not substance and if examined, they yield nothing tangible or important. When seen in comparison with what is the truth, lies are shown to be lacking in all ways. Without the truth a lie will not and cannot exist. We can clearly see that the opposite is what truth is: without a lie a truth still can exist. In fact, the truth is much stronger when a lie about its existence doesn’t occur.
The truth is always there, it is all. If it does not exist, than there is nothing. Sometimes we believe that the truth comes at us and hits us right between the eyes. This is only half right. We may stumble across the truth, walk into it unknowingly. But how can we understand something that happens so haphazardly and unexpectedly? It is hard enough to understand what we seek to know when we are ready for it. We may have many question ready to ask about an event, experiments to perform on that thing or occurrence. With all this at our disposal, we still can come up empty when it comes to explaining what something is or why it is.
We are seekers of the truth. We do not walk blindly on our path to enlightenment. Even with our eyes wide open and our resolve steely in its strength, we still can stumble and fall. Danger occurs, shit happens, sometimes we have little to no impact on what is going on. But it is up to us to be prepared for any scenario. “Be prepared!” is what any good Scout knows is their moto, the thing that prepares and protects them.
If we are groping in the dark, flailing at shadows and screaming at the nothingness, we are truly lost. Without purpose and cause, everything in this world has no meaning. Darkness is only overcome by illumination. Darkness is the absence of light. On this fabulous blue orb we exist on, there is always some kind of light. It may be dim and ineffective for some purposes, but observation shows that it does shine no matter where we are.
The rod that delivers the poke to awaken us to the truth is essential to anyone that is walking a path. It makes us aware and puts us on the right track. The staff in the left hand of the Hermit is the rod that cannot be spared. This staff helps the seeker travail the path, supports them when weak, and helps defend them when attacked. It is essential to have with you when the right hand is holding the light.
It has been said that the truth is the light. If this is so, than even in the darkest, most illogical times there is truth still to be found. The seeker needs to realize this and use it as the beacon to their path. The Hermit holds the six pointed star inside the lamp he is carrying in his right hand, that lantern has the light of truth. It will always guild us along our road to wisdom.
Whether the truth’s holder's stick pokes at our head, or heart, or any other part of our body with its sharp point, we must ask what the hell is going on and why it’s happening. The poke may hurt us, but the only way it will stop is to ask why they are doing this. The sick is the truth’s staff, another tool that helps us along our path. It can give us balance on a rocky road and help the blind know where possible hazards are. The staff is also a symbol of a ruler. The person that holds this tool is the commander of his destiny and controls what goes on with the rod and the light. He can hit away anything that is troubling them with it. The ruler can use the rod to knight anyone that he feels is worthy. The sick and the lamp are not only useful to the ruler but the persons that are being ruled by them.
Just as you are the only one that can walk your path, you are also the ruler of your own destiny. That destiny is how you will walk, where you walk to and how far you will go. The Hermit is the Major Arcana card that possesses both of these tools, he stands at the top of the mountain and looks down. He has traveled up that mountain and is ready to come back down the precipice with the hard won knowledge he has obtained. World- weary and humbled by what he has learned, he still wants to share his light with those at the bottom of the mountain. He is a beacon at the top of the mountain path, he has the illumination of the truth to lead us. We need him to guild us, but it is us who must decide to journey up the mountainous path.

Grab your own staff and join us on the journey. We will try to light the way with the lamp that we have in our possession. We can walk together along the road, comrades in arms on the quest for more. Take the first step of a journey, we are right beside you.
This trip can be as long and rewarding as you want it to be. We may wander, but we are not lost. We will walk before they make us run and we will get to where we are supposed to go. We will hold each other’s hand and travel on. It is our journey and we will find out what is at its completion.
Your journey is yours alone, but it can be joined by others who want to climb high up the summit and see what the road has to offer. Enjoy the companionship of other climbers, talk and share stories. Tell each other news of the road and the world that surrounds it. Share meals and drink with the good company you have found, they also have a thirst and hunger for the truth. Some may know the way to go and others might need to be led, but we will travel on together. Hold the hand of the loved one near your, listen to their story, they will always return what you give to them three times more. :heart:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Andrea, Lin, CherylB, Mshoister
Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by Pat.
7 years 6 months ago #4033

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